Frequently Asked Questions

● We only contract professional Brand Ambassadors with years of experience promoting a wide variety of products, services and events!
● The average professional Brand Ambassador is female, in their 20-30’s. Promotional work is a great stepping stone into marketing and other professions.
● We require a comfortable “business casual” attire since most of the promotional work is on their feet. We ask that they don’t wear any logos that would distract from the campaign, and no hats.
● All our team members are GPS tracked while on shift, they are required to provide a starting “selfie photo” to confirm proper attire. All their work is tracked by photo and video documentation that is also time, date and location stamped.
● We have a lot of wonderful companies that we have worked with for decades that we refer to our clients. We are also happy to facilitate the printing of your materials as well as any promotional swag. (NOTE: Since design is a very personal thing we do leave that aspect always to the client)
● In every market that we operate we have a storage facility that allows our teams access to all the materials as well as storing them securely (Currently we have a national contract with Extra Space Storage)
● For a guerrilla marketing campaign using mainly flyers we have companies that will print 10,000 full color, front and back, quarter page, card stock flyers for around $500 shipped.
● We always suggest having some sort of tangible item to hand to those we engage to help reinforce your message. Simple promotional flyers that have a clear message always work the best, along with creative useful promotional swag!
● Specific requirements are the main difference. Guerrilla marketing campaigns are flexible and allow us to work with our team’s availability to schedule them over multiple weeks to complete.
● Experiential events are date and time specific, staff specific, and have a lot more hard lines to complete.
● We have done many very creative campaigns, and can always come up with a solution to accomplish your goals!
● No, we are a full services promotional agency, our teams are directly managed in house.
● For both of our services we have to start with a minimum, and do not provide small campaigns that might be for a single day and a couple of hours. Our Guerrilla Marketing rate sheet starts at $3,600 for a 4 week campaign
● Experiential Event quotes start from $2,500. The cost for all Experiential Events are determined by many factors that we would be happy to go over with on a call!
● We provide a complete breakdown of every promotional location visited along with photos of the work completed. On average most campaigns provide 600+ photos that we trim down and present 200 of in an emailed report at the end of every campaign.Videos can also be provided based on request.
● For all forms of outside / offline advertising there is no hard way to show the conversion from an ad to direct sales of a service, ticket sales of an event, or purchase of a product.
● We do provide complete photo documentation of all the work you hired us for, showing your materials in your customers hands, your materials at the events and promotional locations you requested, as well as a complete breakdown of how many locations our teams visited!
● We never suggest using coupon return or QR code scans as ROI for our work. We find that people who we speak with and hand materials to usually go directly to the website or social media page to read more about a service, product or event. From there they use those outlets to make their purchases.
● Getting a customer to do a “secondary action” such as returning a flyer or scanning a code is very difficult in 2024. Customers take photos of materials or hold on to it to read it later, but the branding aspect of our work is where our true value comes in, the message we engage the customer with. From there they always use their own means of secondary research, either with social media or websites, or a combination their in

For the big question what does it costs

There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, slightly believable.

Let’s get you to the right page!

Guerrilla Marketing Campaigns

  • Multiple weeks
  • Targeting a specific area or major city
  • Focusing on a specific demographic
  • Creating community awareness
  • Engaging customers where they shop, eat, work, play, and learn
  • Rate sheets available

Experiential Marketing Events

  • Specific dates & times
  • Set location
  • Custom staff
  • Promotional purchasing
  • Storage, vehicles, complete operational and management
  • Individually quoted out